CPIP partner organized a multiplier event and presented the project and than discuss the voluntary ecosystem in prisons, for prisons, around the prisons, involving the prisons for the community. With the active intervention of the participants we have discussed about the profile of competencies for the coordinators of volunteers, and the need of the multi-disciplinary team. In small working groups tha participants have developed ideas of potential voluntary projects in prison, exchanged the ideas and developed what support mechanisms would they put in place to make sure a successful implementation of the projects. A total of 36 participants at national level, not only from the city or the region joined this event, representing: Prisons for adults and for minors; Prison trade union; Regional authorities; Cross-border cooperation management authorities; Schools; School inspectorates; NGOs; Universities and Companies . Within the scope of socio-cultural and activities in prison, the General Directorate of Reinsertion and Prison Services (DGRSP) has promoted the 1st edition of the Portuguese National Contest “Captive Talents”, with the collaboration of the volunteer association Dar a Mão.
The Dar a Mão - Associação para Ajuda à População Reclusa Association intervenes in other activities such as the Solidarity Wardrobe Project, created in the pandemic, for delivering essential goods such as hygiene kits, clothes, glasses, and in exceptional cases, prison release support to prisoners In 2019, several volunteer activities took place in Portuguese prisons. In total, 241 projects were developed by 5347 volunteers, reaching 26148 inmates. In the table you can find additional details
Since 2015 we have held a Post-release Assistance Centre where prisoners released from prisons or remand centers can obtain psychological support, legal aid, help in finding a job, raising professional qualifications, emergency aid. In July 2018 the Volunteer Centre Association founded a house for ex-prisoners.
Participation in the Volpris project is an opportunity for the Volunteer Center to further develop volunteering in prisons. We can share our experience, learn how volunteering works in prisons in other countries and work together to optimize this model and support the prison service. |